Superintendent of Schools North Shore School District 112 HIGHWOOD, Illinois
This session serves as a guidepost to help leaders understand they are works in progress and to help create a vision for their individual futures. To be the best version of yourself you have to be driven deeply by something. You must believe that you have an impact to make and a legacy to leave. You must know that the work will never be done. If you care deeply about making an impact - and you are willing to do anything for your students and community - admit that you are unfinished and strive to get better every day.
The key element that sets the incredibly effective leader apart from everyone else is their commitment to never settle for less than the very best. This internal drive is what fuels the grind and what allows for the seemingly impossible to be done. This drive indicates one thing. It is a daily symbol of the leader’s firm recognition that they are unfinished. It is the personification of never being satisfied. It is the commitment to drain every last ounce of talent from our bodies while we have an opportunity to serve.