Director, US EDU
Robyn Hrivnatz is an education and technology professional with 24 years of experience serving in the education industry as an educator, school leader, student advocate, and corporate partner. Joining Microsoft in 2014 after dedicating 14 years in public K-12 education in the state of Texas, she has devoted her time to helping K-12 and Higher Education institutions leverage the power of technology to modernize teaching and learning and provide students with equitable learning opportunities to prepare them for their future. She currently works on the Microsoft Education team as a Director managing the U.S. Education Business Applications team where she supports U.S. customers as they undergo digital transformations with low-code, no-code and customer experience business solutions. Recognized as a creative decision maker, active learner, social influencer, and diplomatic relationship builder, Robyn excels in her ability to lead by leveraging her passion for learning, an understanding for humanity, and her deep desire for education transformation. She resides in Houston, Texas embarking each day living her personal philosophy to ‘embrace the uncomfortable, be thankful, live passionately and be awesome.’
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Innovating with Low-Code No-Code in Education
Wednesday, April 10, 2024
9:15 AM – 10:15 AM US EDT